Plastic and reconstructive surgeon

A good result in cosmetic surgery is a natural result; natural in the look but also
in the expression.
It is essential to keep the patient’s genetic identity and their own expression; this requires, as far as possible,
not seeing any visible signs
of a surgical procedure.
Titre 1
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon Doctor Olivier de Frahan
Chirurgien plasticien Docteur Olivier de Frahan
Top plastic surgeon by Tatler , Best plastic surgeon , Eyelids, facelifts Rhinoplastie
Spécialités Chirurgie Esthétique Abdominoplastie Augmentation mammaire Blépharoplastie Chirurgie laser
Chirurgie reconstructrice Implants mammaires Lifting Liposuccion Mastopexie Otoplastie Réduction mammaire